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Parent Area

What support is there to help my child prepare for the future?

Preparation should start early – long before your child becomes an adult.

As part of your son/daughters Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, the Year 9 annual review and every review after that, will include a focus on preparing for adulthood. This means there should be targets in the EHC plan that will help your child to achieve steps towards preparing for post 16 options. The EHCP will be updated as your child progresses.

When your son/daughter leaves Alt Bridge High school , they are likely to have some or all of the following options available to them depending on their ability, independence and support needs:

  • Further education at a college or training provider to follow a study programme— list here Apprenticeship– An apprenticeship is a way to gain the skills, knowledge and experience you need to get into many careers. They combine work, training and study, letting you ‘earn while you learn’. Apprenticeships are available across a range of areas. Further information can be found here.
  • Traineeship– Usually a 6 month programme made up of extended work experience working towards qualifications. A traineeship will normally lead to an apprenticeship or work.
  • Supported Internship- Supported Internships are a study programme for learners with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Learners will have a work placement and complete relevant qualifications alongside their placement. More information about Knowsley’s Supported Internship Programme
  • Employment – for supported employment opportunities More information.   Including information on Enable Knowsley.
  • Social Care options – community based day activities – this could include day centres, part-time college, social firms, community leisure or sport/fitness activities and supported living/specialist residential care for those who are eligible for services. More information

You can find a breakdown of all post 16 options here —

Useful websites and contacts

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